Feldenkrais® - Welcome to new lightness and pain-free well-being
Welcome to the Feldenkrais classes in Vienna 1060, 1070 and 1080
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The Feldenkraismethod improves
your well-being
What is the Feldenkrais Method?
The Feldenkrais method is an effective and sustainable process to improve your well-being. With gentle and mindful movements you explore and improve your movement patterns. This enables you to be more efficient and light in all the things you do. Tension, pain and effort are reduced, giving way to improved mobility of body and mind.
Feldenkrais classes in Vienna 1060, 1070 and 1080
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Dr Moshe Feldenkrais developed and taught the Feldenkrais Method in the 20th century. The application of his method helps many people around the world to be more alive and enjoy life.